Algorithm and Programming-Array and Pointers



We know that our computer has some way to address memory and store data for us, so we can abstract that away and program at a slightly higher level with C, using variables and arrays instead of memory addresses ourselves.We initialize an array of characters (which is exactly what a string is) to store the value that we extract from the string,  if we wanted to initialize that array of characters manually, we can do something like:...

The 1st index of array starts from zero,so the last index is the number in initialization bracket minus 1.But if you want to input 3 characters,you must make at least 4 in the bracket of char of array,because the last index is always filled with '\0'

char initials[4];
initials[0] = 'D';
initials[1] = 'J';
initials[2] = 'M';
initials[3] = '\0';


char initials[4] = {D,J,M};

Arrays can be used to store many of the same type of variable, but computers can only access one item in them at a time.The example above is for one dimensional array,there's also two and three dimensional array.For 2 dimensional array,as in matrix,there's row and column so it's written for example as initials[5][2],and as for 3 dimensional,we have an additional depth besides row and column,so it can be written like initials[5][2][3].

And in C, we call variables that store addresses of other variables pointers. The * symbol indicates that a variable is a pointer to some other variable type, so we could have int * in addition to char * and others.for example, int *a declares a pointer to an int with the name a, and later we use *a to go to the address a points to.If you want to point to an int *a,then you can upgrade the next variable to use double pointer(**),and so on.

Luis Indracahya


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